Saturday, February 8, 2014

Thomas Friedman, "Whose Garbage Is This Anyway?": It's Yours, Tom

Again, we are on the receiving end of more twaddle from Thomas Friedman as he takes a guided eco-tour of Israel and the West Bank. Expounding on effluents in his latest New York Times op-ed entitled "Whose Garbage Is This Anyway?" (, Friedman concludes:

"Israelis, Palestinians and Jordanians actually have all the resources needed to take care of everyone, but only if they collaborate, explained Gidon Bromberg, co-founder of Friends of the Earth Middle East. Israel, which is the world leader in desalination and wastewater recycling, could use its own cheap natural gas and solar power generated in Jordan — where there is lots of sunny desert — 'to provide desalinated and recycled water for itself, Gaza, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority.'

Everyone would win, which is why Bromberg suggests that Secretary of State John Kerry take Israeli and Palestinian negotiators on an eco-tour to see 'the seeping time bomb that’s ticking underneath both of them.' It, too, will explode if they don’t forge a deal that enables them to live apart, but in a framework that also enables them to work together to protect the water, soil and air that they will always have in common and can only be preserved by acting in common."

Yup, those are lovely thoughts indeed. In fact, those who read this blog know that I have recommended in the past (see: that Israel's desalination expertise should be used by its neighbors, particularly given the multi-year drought affecting much of the Middle East.

But forgive me for changing the subject, Tom. This past week, pictures surfaced of children dying from starvation caused by Syrian mass murderer Bashar al-Assad. Isn't the genocide being perpetrated by Assad what truly deserves your readers' attention?

How about an airlift of food, President Obama?


1 comment:

  1. Did you notice an article about the unhappiness of NYT reporters with their editors and columnists? It turns out they are fully aware of the obvious fact that idiots, scoundrels and sickos are running this madhouse. My "beloved" Friedman" is particularly "liked" by them.
    Only in America ... The best and the brightest look the way this crowd does. Brrr.
