Wednesday, July 29, 2009

"Honor Killings" in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority; the Hypocrisy of the Left

There is a new kind of "pilgrimage" to Israel: personages, politicians and students who arrive by boat and plane, seeking a photo op at the weekly demonstration beside the Bil'in fence or attempting to "break the blockade" of Gaza. These leftists from around the globe rub shoulders with "anarchists" from Tel Aviv and even a scattering of Palestinians who lend authenticity to the happenings. With luck, if they can provoke a reaction from the Israeli security forces, they might get a whiff of tear gas, whereupon they can write in their journals "been there, done that", jet home, and recount their heroism to anyone willing to listen.

However, these closet anti-Semites, consumed with their hatred for "Zionism", i.e. Jews, will never tell you about an abomination being perpetrated right under their noses: "honor killings" against Palestinian women.

Yesterday, a particularly horrifying instance of this phenomenon was reported by the Jerusalem Post (

"A Gaza man is being held on suspicion he bludgeoned his daughter with an iron chain, cracking her skull in a particularly brutal family 'honor killing,' two human rights groups said Wednesday, citing police and forensics reports.

The groups' reports said that the assault was triggered by Jawdat Najjar's discovery that his daughter Fadia - a 27-year-old divorced mother of five - owned a cell phone. He suspected she used it to speak to a man outside the family, according to the groups' reports."
The Jerusalem Post further reported that three of the Fadia's brothers were suspected of acting as accomplices and that she was "the 10th victim of a so-called 'honor killing' this year in the Palestinian territories and among Arab communities in Israel, according to rights groups." In the article, Mona Shawa of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights is quoted as saying that in the West Bank and Gaza, "honor killing" assailants serve between six months and three years in prison.

During his Cairo speech, Obama did not address "honor killings", which are perpetrated in Iran, Syria - both of these countries the objects of special diplomatic overtures by the Obama Administration - and throughout the Islamic world. Heaven forbid that Obama should be accused of "meddling".


  1. I red about honor killings among Israeli Arabs in the Salzman's book "Culture and conflict in the Middle East". The author is a professor of anthropology, who specializes on tribal Middle East. Between other things, the book explains why "peace" in the MIddle East exists only while neither tribe feels strong enough to attack other tribes or outsiders. The book makes it clear that the whole idea of "peace through negotiations" can not work in this culture.

  2. What a horror. I can't even begin to get into any of their heads. A phone call leads a father to torture and beat his own daughter, mother of five children to death? AND HER BROTHERS AID THEIR FATHER IN EXTRACTING A "STOP THE PAIN" CONFESSION, FOLLOWED BY MURDER!?!

    And these people wonder why the rest of us find our sympathy continuing to diminish, year after year.

  3. JG, you hit the nail on the head. Civilized people can't even begin to relate, let alone hope to co-exist, with such a perverse religious based outlook and reaction to life.

  4. And some still call this a religion of peace that honors women. This is the worst abuse on women posible. So long as people follow that abomination, we'll have these horrific things happening. I just see the whole of it a a blight upon the world. No redeeming value what so ever. Just cruelty and abuse.
