Friday, February 19, 2010

Gail Collins on Flight Safety: Clueless

In her NYT op-ed of today's date, entitled "The Wages of Rages", Gail Collins assails Mitt Romney for asking a fellow passenger to raise his seat before takeoff. What will those nefarious Republicans do next?

When I last submitted an online comment concerning a Collins' op-ed, which respectfully exposed her ignorance of the underpinnings of terrorism (, I was censored by The Times. Subsequently, a very senior NYT editor promised me an answer why my comment was censored, but never got back to me.

My response to Gail today, if The Times deigns to post it:

Gail, thank you for this revelation concerning Romney's request that a fellow passenger, a rapper who specializes "in songs about shot-drinking," raise his seat before takeoff. Can you imagine anyone aboard a flight asking a fellow passenger to follow safety regulations intended to protect the fellow passenger and all others aboard the flight? Simply horrifying! And thank you, also, for letting us know that "My niece, Becca, worked with LMFAO on a promotional video this week". I am taking careful note of this significant piece of information, which I intend to share with everyone I know, and needless to say, I can't wait to see the promotional video and learn more about "shot-drinking".

Promotional videos, shot-drinking, the appellation "LMFAO"? I see that I am intellectually challenged, culturally deprived and increasingly not attuned to The Times.


  1. LMFAO! Thank you for finding a funny side in it.

  2. Your commentary in the NYT was off track. The rapper was no doubt a jackass, but Romney decided to be a jackass in response: he didn't let the flight attendant take care of the infraction but took the law into his own hands, yelling at the rapper and putting his hands on a fellow passenger. Not smart and not smart. Romney clearly shows the future of GOP governance in the United States: worse than the Democrats, which is not good.
