Sunday, April 10, 2011

Paul Krugman's "The President Is Missing": Eating Orange Yogurt Cake and Having It, Too

In a New York Times op-ed entitled "The President Is Missing" ( Paul Krugman, furious with Barack Obama for making budget concessions and reaching a compromise agreement with Republicans, asks:

"What have they done with President Obama? What happened to the inspirational figure his supporters thought they elected?"

Answer: 0 is still . . . . Oops, I typed a zero, instead of an "O". Let's start again. O is still there, the same inspirational figure his supporters thought they elected, but he is busy:

• polishing his oratorical skills in front of a teleprompter;
• eating orange yogurt cake with baked apples and having it, too;
• hugging Hugo Chavez, shaking hands with Qaddafi, and bowing to King Abdullah;
• playing golf and basketball;
• vacationing with Michelle;
• and most of his remaining free time writing another book about himself, "The Mendacity of Hope".

Seeking to be inspired? Axelrod will have him primed and ready by 2012.

Substance? What did you expect from a freshman senator from Illinois with no voting record or experience. Lighten up Professor Krugman. Give him four more years. Something could still happen.

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