Thursday, May 17, 2012

2012 Country Ratings Poll: Israel Again Lambasted

The "2012 Country Ratings Poll," conducted by GlobeScan/PIPA among 24,090 people around the world (see:, has again determined that Israel is among the most unpopular countries in the world:

"The most negatively rated countries were, as in previous years, Iran (55% negative), Pakistan (51% negative), and Israel and North Korea (both 50% negative)."

What a surprise! Given Israel's support of gay rights, enablement of women in politics and the workplace, democracy allowing Israeli Arabs to vociferously participate in the Israel's parliament and judiciary, threats to exterminate Israel from Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas, and the ongoing refusal of Fatah to recognize Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state, why should we expect anything different from a world which shut its doors to Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany?

The one bright spot: the US, naturally. Some 50% of Americans viewed Israel positively, against 35% who viewed Israel negatively.

Of interest, the poll also found:

"Positive views of China rose from 46 to 50 per cent on average. They jumped particularly sharply in the UK (up 19 points), as well as in Australia, Canada, and Germany (all up 18 points)."

Chinese slave labor used to manufacture iPhones? Who cares. Brutal oppression by China of dissidents? Who cares.

Some things never change, among them hatred of Jews . . . oops, the respondents to this poll meant to say Israel.

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