Saturday, October 31, 2009

White House Communications Director Anita Dunn's Favorite Political Philosopher: Mao Tse-Tung

Unfortunately this is no joke. White House Communications Director Anita Dunn, one of Obama's top advisers, speaking at a June 2009 high school graduation, declared:

". . . the third lesson and tip actually come from two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Tse-Tung and Mother Teresa, not often coupled with each other, but the two people that I turn to most . . ."

Although Dunn subsequently stated, "The use of the phrase 'favorite political philosophers' was intended as irony...," I sensed no irony in her statement or subsequent remarks. Decide for yourselves:

Mao? His mass purges and political strategies, which, inter alia, caused the Great Chinese Famine, resulted in the deaths of up to 70 million people, making him one of the greatest mass murderers of all time.

Question: Why has Dunn not been fired? Why is the U.S. media, other than Fox that is under attack by Obama, not abuzz with this story? You don't have to a fan of Fox or a conservative to be outraged.

Meanwhile, in other related news, Obama has just appointed former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel as co-chair of the Intelligence Advisory Board, which oversees the intel community. Hagel's history:

In 2000 Hagel was one of four Senators who wouldn't sign a Senate letter supporting Israel.

In 2001 Hagel was one of 11 Senators who wouldn't sign a letter asking President Bush not to meet with Arafat until the PLO ended attacks against Israel.

In 2004 Hagel wouldn't sign a letter asking Bush to focus upon Iran's nuclear program at the G-8 summit.

In 2006 Hagel was one of 12 Senators who wouldn't ask the EU to declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

Wake up America!


  1. Thank you, Jeffrey, for the quote from Dunn. Either there is no irony at all, or there is irony toward both Mother Teresa and Mao.

    As for Hagel...He helped my mother once, when we lived in Nebraska. Immigration authority would not call her for an interview long after I became a citizen. And, according to American law, she became virtually illegitimate here for no fault of her own. By our request, Hagel's office intervened, and the issue was solved for my mother rather fast. Hagel opposed Bush on many important issues. I just hope he is not that bad for Israel as it appears from this list. Living in Nebraska, I never heard about bad relationship between Hagel and Jews there.

  2. Hagel is capable of individual acts of kindness, but he is no friend of Israel - which is one of the reasons he is being brought into the Obama Administration.
