Monday, January 25, 2010

Communist China: Cohen Momentarily Removes the Rose Colored Glasses

As happened to Roger Cohen in Iran, he is now coming face to face with some of the "ungainly" aspects of Communist China. In his New York Times op-ed today, Cohen recounts his encounter with a family which was brutalized by the regime, when the authorities decided to demolish their house ( My online response to Cohen, should The Times choose to post it:

How does "A Woman Burns" jibe with your prior op-ed, "Single-Party Democracy", which begins with the saccharine commentary: "I’m bullish on China after a couple of weeks here and perhaps that sentiment begins with the little emperors and empresses."

What is more important for you, Roger, freedom of speech or bullet trains?

Are you still so "bullish" on Communist China, or has the charm of this tyranny worn thin, as also happened to you in Iran after being forced to face another travesty perpetrated against "A Woman Shot", i.e. Neda?


  1. Why is it that women are always victimized?

  2. Yours was a brilliant comment. Thanks for taking the trouble to make it.

  3. Thanks, Marie, for your kind comment.

