Friday, November 23, 2012

Fareed Zakaria, "Israel dominates the new Middle East": Is Zakaria a Fabulist or a Fool?

Yet another JG Caesarea challenge: What doesn't Fareed Zakaria tell you in his latest Washington Post opinion piece entitled "Israel dominates the new Middle East" ( Sorry, your five seconds are up.

Zakaria writes:

"As for terrorism, the other asymmetrical strategy against Israel: Despite Wednesday’s attack on a bus in Tel Aviv, Israel is largely protected from terrorists because of the wall it built in 2003."

A "wall"? As Zakaria surely is aware, some 90% of the separation barrier consists of a fence, not a wall. Moreover, as anyone who has ever driven on Israel's Highway 6 knows, the walled portions of the separation barrier are intended to prevent sniper fire into Israel.

Far more heinous is Zakaria's declaration that only Israel is responsible for the lack of peace with the Palestinians. Zakaria concludes his opinion piece by declaring:

"Peace between the Palestinians and Israelis will come only when Israel decides that it wants to make peace. Wise Israeli politicians, from Ariel Sharon to Ehud Olmert to Ehud Barak, have wanted to take risks to make that peace because they have worried about Israel’s future as a Jewish and democratic state. This is what is in danger, not Israel’s existence."

Yeah, sure, Israel's existence is not being threatened. Israelis need not concern themselves over Iran's efforts to obtain nuclear weapons and its almost weekly threats to annihilate Israel.

Regarding Israel's ability to make peace with the Palestinians whenever it chooses to do so, I suggest that Zakaria have another look at the Hamas Covenant (see:, which provides, inter alia:

• "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors. The Palestinian people know better than to consent to having their future, rights and fate toyed with."
• "Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious. It needs all sincere efforts. It is a step that inevitably should be followed by other steps."
• "The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews."
• "In face of the Jews' usurpation of Palestine, it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised."
• "In their Nazi treatment, the Jews made no exception for women or children. Their policy of striking fear in the heart is meant for all. They attack people where their breadwinning is concerned, extorting their money and threatening their honour. They deal with people as if they were the worst war criminals."
• "We should not forget to remind every Moslem that when the Jews conquered the Holy City in 1967, they stood on the threshold of the Aqsa Mosque and proclaimed that 'Mohammed is dead, and his descendants are all women.'"
• "Israel, Judaism and Jews challenge Islam and the Moslem people. 'May the cowards never sleep.'"
• "The Islamic Resistance Movement consider itself to be the spearhead of the circle of struggle with world Zionism and a step on the road. The Movement adds its efforts to the efforts of all those who are active in the Palestinian arena. Arab and Islamic Peoples should augment by further steps on their part; Islamic groupings all over the Arab world should also do the same, since all of these are the best-equipped for the future role in the fight with the warmongering Jews."

So, if Israel decides to make peace with Hamas, it can reach a swift binding agreement whenever it likes. Yeah, right.

We already know that Zakaria is a plagiarist. The question now arises as to whether he is also a fabulist or a fool.

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