Friday, November 13, 2009

Afghanistan: Obama Wishes He Could Vote "Present"

In a NYT article entitled, "Gates Says Afghan Plan Will Mix Various Proposals", U.S. Defense Secretary Gates is reported to have said that Obama is seeking to combine the best elements from several proposals for fighting the war in Afghanistan:

"Mr. Gates said a central focus in Mr. Obama’s deliberations was 'how do we signal resolve, and at the same time signal to the Afghans, as well as the American people, that this is not an open-ended commitment?'

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A central focus of Mr. Obama’s questions, officials said, was how long it would take to see results and be able to withdraw.

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One of the biggest obstacles in reaching a decision, an official said, is uncertainty surrounding the credibility of the Afghan government."

Query: How do you fight to win, while at the same time signaling to the enemy and your own troops your lack of resolve?

I agree with the U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan, retired lieutenant general Eikenberry, that the deployment of additional troops is a mistake. But whatever decision is taken must be decisive. In to win, or out to cut your losses. There can be no middle ground. This is the meaning of leadership.

Meanwhile the months drift by as the president cautiously weighs his options and pines for the days when he could vote "present" in the Illinois senate.

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