Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Who Is Still Reading The New York Times (II)?

I think it is again worth noting the most highly reader-recommended comment (264 recommendations) in response to Roger Cohen's op-ed, "An Unknown Soldier", in yesterday's New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/11/09/opinion/09iht-edcohen.html?partner=rssnyt&emc=rss). The comment states in its entirety:

"Thank you for your thoughtful piece.
No country currently brings more death and destruction to the planet than America. Yet we are never satiated, and our fascination with the military machine only grows like some mythical beast. When our ex-president writes that he authorized torture, there isn't a murmur in the street. In the 1960's Americans were on the streets. Today we act like mindless sheep. No politician or preacher can change the trajectory, only the people can pull America back from the abyss. Why are we waiting to call for an end to endless war and unbridled greed?"

This comment, which expresses "unbridled" anger with the United States, was also "highlighted" by The New York Times, i.e. deemed among "A selection of the most interesting and thoughtful comments that represent a range of views." Not surprisingly, all of the "highlighted" comments, which purportedly "represent a range of views", are in agreement with Cohen.

The New York Times, hijacked and veering left off a cliff, long ago lost touch with its New York readership, and it is no wonder that its circulation is in steady decline.

This newspaper's losses are unsustainable. Although the end will not come soon, it is certainly within sight.

A pity.

1 comment:

  1. While I read much less of the NYT, old habits die hard. I bought the newstand copy for three days in a row after the election. Surprising amount of advertising, mostly for luxury fashion. Very disappointed that the one thing I was willing to pay for was missing - the actual vote numbers for all the congressional contests. I still refer to that section from 2008, but it seems the NYT did not think it was fit to print when the GOP wins. Probably did not want the very low turnout in NYC to be noted...

    The real test will be when the NYT starts charging for online access next year. At that point, I will pay for online Wall Street Journal although they still can not compare to the NYT Arts and special sections, but easy sacrifice for the far superior opinion and news analysis of the WSJ.

    That comment above? You really can not believe how many actually believe that. The anti-war left in a bubble.

