Thursday, March 15, 2012

David Brooks, "The Cagey Phase": When Does Obama Show His True Colors?

As additional rockets and missiles were fired from Gaza at civilian targets in southern Israel at Iran's behest (see:, I gazed with amusement at pictures of Obama's state dinner for British Prime Minister David Cameron (see: While the president told stale jokes concerning how the Redcoats burned down the White House during the War of 1812, a fashionably bewhiskered George Clooney, in tuxedo and black bow tie, chatted up Michelle Obama, who, bedecked in an azure evening gown with matching blue baubles, responded by fluttering her ersatz lashes. No, in case you're curious, I was not invited. Moreover, I can probably no longer fit into my tuxedo, which smells of mold, and, owing to my aversion to large social gatherings (post traumatic stress syndrome?), I wouldn't have lasted beyond the appetizer before clumsily excusing myself. Perhaps next time, Michelle.

In his latest New York Times op-ed entitled "The Cagey Phase" (, David Brooks informs us that party animal Obama has morphed from an "audacious" phase of his presidency, during which he introduced health care reform, to a "cagey" phase. By way of example Brooks writes:

"In Afghanistan, President Obama increased troop levels, to please his generals, while simultaneously announcing a withdrawal date, to please his party. On deficit reduction, Obama has often said he agrees with the Simpson-Bowles approach, while simultaneously distancing himself from the specific proposals. On tax reform, Obama has frequently said he wants to simplify the code while simultaneously proposing loopholes that make it more complex.

President Obama has gotten tough on China while simultaneously getting friendly with China. He has ratcheted up the heat on Iran while simultaneously trying to restrain Israel. He has promoted new oil and gas exploration while simultaneously blocking the Keystone XL oil pipeline that would transport it."

Sorry, David, is this being "cagey," or does this represent indecision and procrastination, which have typified the Obama administration?

Specifically, with respect to foreign policy, Brooks writes:

"Obama’s hot-and-cold approaches to China, Russia and Iran have generally been excellent. In many ways, Obama’s multifaceted, maneuvering style makes him a natural foreign policy president."

Ah, yes, a "natural foreign policy president." Perhaps this is best exemplified by how he sent John Kerry to charm Syria's tyrant, Bashar al-Assad, and then did nothing as thousands of Sunni Muslims were gunned down in the streets of Homs and disfigured beyond recognition in Assad's torture chambers.

Or perhaps a more telling example is to be found in Obama's recent phone call to Vladimir Putin to congratulate the Russian on his fraudulent reelection as president. Even Cameron could not bring himself to engage in such hypocrisy.

Better still, consider how Egypt's army recently sought to lock away US democracy activists to the delight of the Muslim Brotherhood, but how the Obama administration is now arranging to resume $1.3 billion in annual military aid to Cairo.

As matters stand now, Obama is going to edge out a hapless Romney in November. If there is to be additional "change," i.e. a final transmogrification in 2013 and beyond, I am not looking forward to seeing this butterfly's true colors.

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