Saturday, March 24, 2012

Maureen Dowd, "How Oedipus Wrecks": Or How I Ran Off to Join the Circus

Kudos (from the Greek singular noun kŷdos, meaning "praise") to Maureen Dowd for her marvelous New York Times op-ed, "How Oedipus Wrecks" (, which explores the eternal father-son love-hate affair. Dowd writes:

"Presidential politics thrum with Oedipal loop-de-loops. Many candidates — J.F.K., Al Gore, Mitt Romney — seem to be running to fulfill their fathers’ dreams more than their own. Others, like W. and John McCain, are shadowboxing with fathers who cast a long shadow. Still others, like Jon Huntsman, are treated to a campaign by wealthy dads. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich have lived in the shadow of their fathers’ absence."

Me? Not seeking approval, not intent on proving anything and not interested in the limelight, I've never been drawn to politics. Instead, I ran off to join the circus in order to simply free myself of family. And as I grow gray, but persist with my high wire act, I realize that imperfections notwithstanding, my father also imbued me with perspicaciousness and balance, which have allowed me to cross over the abyss each day.

I wonder how my children will think back on me 30 years from now. Will they have managed to forgive my shortcomings, which are many in number? Will they excuse my innate tension and angry outbursts? Will they also flee far from the nest, but also remember the love that threatened to smother them?

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