Monday, March 5, 2012

Obama at AIPAC: Yes, He's Bluffing

Obama's speech to AIPAC (see: was a "beautiful thing," but regrettably it doesn't bespeak anything beyond the president's customary oratorical grace and grandeur.

Obama declared:

"I have said that when it comes to preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, I will take no options off the table, and I mean what I say."

Sorry, Mr. President, but I don't have a clue what you "mean" when you "say" this. Okay, you are preserving all "options," but where are the red lines? Can Iran continue to enrich its uranium and develop a ballistic missile delivery system, so long as it doesn't put the pieces together? And when it finally does put the pieces together, who is to say that this will not be too late -- for Israel, for the United States and/or for Iran's Sunni Arab neighbors, e.g., Saudi Arabia?

Obama said that among the options remaining on the table are "a military effort to be prepared for any contingency." Maybe I'm stupid, but I also don't understand what this means. It sounds to me as if Obama's "options" are merely intended to give rise to additional "options."

Obama stated:

"So there should not be a shred of doubt by now — when the chips are down, I have Israel's back."

Why then am I in doubt? Yes, I can testify that military and intelligence cooperation between the US and Israel is close and joint exercises are indeed robust. However, Obama has also snubbed and denigrated Israel's democratically elected prime minister, while seeking to appease Iran and Syria during the beginning of his term. Moreover, Obama is advised on foreign policy by Samantha Power, whose extreme hostility to Israel is known to all (see:

In his speech, Obama acknowledged that as a US senator, he toured Israel; however, as president, Obama has refused to stop off in Israel, while visiting nearby Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. What better way to eliminate doubt as to his commitment to preserving Israel's existence than by coming to Israel and physically demonstrating his support at this troubling juncture? If indeed America's "friendship with Israel is enduring" and "Israel must be recognized," why doesn't Obama acknowledge this friendship and reinforce the need for recognition of Israel by coming to Jerusalem? Or Caesarea?

The coffee is waiting.

1 comment:

  1. Jeffrey, I agree. Did I mention that I didn't vote for him? Did I mention that I have no intention of voting for him? Did I mention that I am NOT a right winger, and that I am much more progressive that Obama was, pretended to be and will ever be?
