Tuesday, September 15, 2015

David Brooks, "The Biden Formation Story": Honesty Matters

Despite what David Brooks wrote of Biden in August ("He’s a wonderful man and a great public servant, but he should not run for president this year, for the sake of his long-term reputation"), he now thinks Joe should toss his hat into the ring. In his latest New York Times op-ed entitled "The Biden Formation Story," Brooks declares:

"Candidates like John F. Kennedy and John McCain were formed by war. Candidates like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama were formed by their rise from broken homes and their dedication to lift others and heal divisions. Without a clear formation story, a candidate is just a hodgepodge of positions and logos.

Democrats this year are looking for a formation story that proves commitment. This is a party that is moving boldly leftward. Its voters want to know their candidate has the inner drive to push through structural changes, not just half measures."

Brooks argues that in his recent interview on "The Late Show With Stephen Colbert," Biden provided a "formation story" based upon the loss of family members. Brooks goes on to say:

"Out of that loss comes a great empathy, a connection to those who are suffering in this economy and this world. Out of that loss comes a hypercharged sense of mission. Out of that loss comes a liberation from the fear of failure that dogs most politicians, and causes them to dodge, prevaricate and spin."

Heck, I don't know much about "formation stories," but I would like to believe that I have learned a few things about honesty over the course of my time on this planet. Biden projects honesty and openness that go sorely lacking in Hillary.

As I stated earlier this month, go for it, Joe. The stars are properly aligned, and although there can be no promises, stranger things have happened.

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